Language Order: French | English | Japanese
*Recipe included in official リボン cookbook.
NREO = no recipe, eye-candy only
Recette 1 - I'm Going to Be a Pâtissière! (あたし、パティシエールになる!)
Recette 2 - The Legendary Sweets Spirits (伝説のスイーツ精霊)
- Mille Crêpes | Crepe Cake | 日式千层蛋糕 *
Recette 3 - The Rose Sweets Prince (バラのスイーツ王子)
- Pot-au-feu | Japanese Stew | おでん
- Choux à la Crème (profiterole) | Cream Puff | シュークリーム *
- Hanabusa and Roses
Recette 4 - I Hate These Stupid Cakes (ケーキなんか大嫌いだ!)
- Red Bean Paste Mochi | まめ 大福
- The Brother's Matcha Roll Cake
- Andoh and Traditional Japanese Flavors
Recette 5 - Angel? Devil? Spirit? (天使? 悪魔? 精霊?)
- Chocolat Chaud | Hot Chocolate | チョコラチョー *
- Angel and Devil Chocolat Fruit Cake | 天使と悪魔のフルーツロール *
- Chocolate Cake *
- Kashino and Chocolate
Recette 6 - Birthday Party at Chirp Chirp Preschool (ぴよぴよ幼稚園のお誕生会)
- Turkish Delight (Andoh), Strawberry Shortcake, Marzipan Figures
- Cherry Cake, Space Advenger Hero Cake, Princess Cake
- Strawberry Cookie
- Meat Buns, Cafe Latte
Recette 7 - Friendship Birthday Cake (仲良し誕生日(バースデー)ケーキ)
- Apple Cake with Apple Custard (Group B) or Apple Jelly (Group A) NREO
Recette 8 - The Genius, The Archrival, and the Natural? (天才と天敵と天然?)
- Walnuts
- Souffle
- Angel Pudding NREO
- Mont Blanc Aux Marrons | Mont Blanc | 栗たっぷりのもんブラん *
Recette 9 - The Fated Pudding Showdown!! (運命のプリン対決!!)
- Crème Caramel | Flan | プリン *
Recette 10 - Strawberry Tart of Memories (思いでのイチゴタルト)
- Omurice | Rice Omelette | オムライス
- Strawberry Tart
Recette 11 - The Prince's Friendship Madeleines (王子達の友情マドレーヌ)
- Madeleines | Mini Sponge Cake | マドレ一ス *
Recette 12 - The Seven Year Merry Christmas (七年目のメリークリスマス)
- Croquembouche
- Bûche de Noël | Yule Log | ブッシュ•ド•ノエル *
Recette 13 - Happy Sweets Dream (ハッピー・スイーツ・ドリーム)
- Strawberry Mille Crepe
- Sweets Kingdom Tribute NREO
Recette 14 - The Cake Grand Prix Begins (開幕!ケーキグランプリ)
- Pound Cake
- Tasting your Food
- Butter, Sugar, Flour, Eggs
- Training to Become a Pastry Chef
Recette 15 - Rose Water of Memories (想い出のローズウォーター)
- Grand Prix Round One Practice Pound Cakes NREO
- Rose Water
Recette 16 - Sweet Rose Memory (スイートローズメモリー)
- Grand Prix Round One - Pound Cakes to Enjoy with Family NREO
- Jelly
- French Savarin with Syrup
Recette 17 - Pâtissière Showdown (パティシエール対決)
- Cookies with Icing Decorations
- Pot au Feu
- Chiffon Cake
Recette 18 - Bitter Circumstances of the Kashino Household (樫野家のビターな事情)
- Opera
Recette 19 - Happy Valentine (ハッピー・バレンタイン)
- Chocolat Fondant
- Valentine's Day Chocolates
- Chocolat Couverture Fondue
- Rose Tea, Black Pepper and Raw Sugar Chocolates
Recette 20 - Powerful Foe? Transfer Student from Paris (強敵!?パリからの転校生)
- Grand Prix Quarter Finals - One-on-One Sweets
Recette 21 - Friendship Maccha Gâteau Chocolat (友情の抹茶ガトーショコラ)
- Grand Prix Quarter Finals Rematch - Friendship Cakes
Recette 22 - The Promised Perfect Sweets (約束の絶品スイーツ)
- Baumkuchen
- New Year's Udon Noodles
Recette 23 - Ichigo Illusion? (いちご・イリュージョン?)
- Yogurt Cream
- Curry and Rice
- Spinach and Carrot Cake with Peach Yogurt Cream
Recette 24 - The Chocolate Cake of Love Battle (愛のチョコケーキ対決!)
- Grand Prix Semi-Finals - Chocolate Cake of Love
- Sachetorte
Recette 25 - Farewell Kashino (さよなら樫野)
- Sachetorte
Recette 26 - Nightmare of the Heiress Empire! (オジョー帝国の悪夢!)
- Marzipan Rose Scultures
- Team Koshiro's Practice for the Grand Prix
Recette 27 - Surprise Sweets (サプライズスイーツ)
- Petit Fours
- Genoise
Recette 28 - Ichigo, Natsume, and the Princes (イチゴとなつめと王子さま)
- Strawberry Tart
- Piano Cake for Natsume by the Sweets Princes
Recette 29 - The Mille Crêpe that Binds (絆のミルクレープ)
- Grand Prix - Kizuna (Bonds)
Recette 30 - Miracle Cheesecake (ミラクルチーズケーキ)
- Dairy Products: Cheese, Butter, Cream
- Cheese Cake
Recette 31 - The Princess and the Heiress (姫とオジョー)
Recette 32 - Tropical Paradise (トロピカル・パラダイス!)
- Pastry Faire: Eclairs, Mont Blanc, Guimauve, Verrine,
Strawberry Ice Cream, Strawberry Mini-Chou
- Paradise Fruits Cafe: Pineapple Boat, Special Fruit, Mango Parfait,
Fruit Platter
Recette 33 - Strawberry Panic! (ストロベリー・パニック!)
- Mille Feuille
- Tropical Fruit
- White Strawberries | 白いちご
- Grand Prix Match Semi-Final - Tropical Mille Feuille vs Strawberry Verrine
Recette 34 - The Strongest Pair in History! (史上最強のコンビ!)
- Mont Blanc - Plain, Soumen, Chocolate, Matcha
Recette 35 - Welcome, Henri-sensei! (ようこそ、アンリ先生)
Recette 36 - Night Before the Finals! (決戦前夜!)
- Kitchen Basics
Recette 37 - Unwavering Feelings (ゆずれない想い)
Recette 38 - The Closed Path (閉ざされた道)
- Creme | Cream | クリム *
Recette 39 - The Vanished Recipe (消えたレシピ)
- Strawberry Tart
- Fraise | Strawberries | いちご
Recette 40 - Bonjour, Paris (ボンジュール!パリ)
Recette 41 - The Fourth Sweets Prince? (4人目のスイーツ王子?)
Recette 42 - Gelato of Happiness (幸せのジェラート)
- Gelato
Recette 43 - Underneath the Orange Tree (オランジュの木の下で)
Recette 44 - Chocolate Princess (チョコレート・プリンセス)
Recette 45 - Bon Bon Chocolat de Tour (ボンボンショコラ・デ・ツアー)
- Bon Bon Chocolates
Recette 46 - Grandma's Recipe (お婆ちゃんのレシピ)
- Grandma's Strawberry Tart
Recette 47 - The Paris Found in the Backyard (裏庭で見つけたパリ)
- Ichigo's Own Strawberry Tart
Recette 48 - It can't be, Henri-sensei! (ウソでしょ, アンリ先生!)
Recette 49 - The Finals at the Palace of Versailles (決戦!ベルサイユ宮殿)
Recette 50 - Dream Strawberry Tart (夢のいちごタルト)