Monday, September 27, 2010

Last Madeleine Post... I promise... kind of

So, madeleines are ADDICTING! I mean it, seriously... I'm eating them almost as quickly as I'm making them!  In fact, we had to go to the local COSTCO wholesale store to restock on supplies!

That would be 25lbs of all-purpose flour, 4lbs of unsalted butter, a huge bottle of vanilla, and eggs! I have absolutely no clue how to store that flour and those 1lb blocks of butter can be used as weapons! I went to COSTCO a week ago but I've already used up everything and my family has been requesting that I make madeleines nonstop!  ... I still have to say that the lemon zest original recipe is still the best.

Here are some of the 60 that I made today... that is a dozen each of five flavors: vanilla, orange, chocolate-dipped vanilla, chocolate-dipped orange, and chocolate-dipped chocolate.  This is what I did today instead of studying for both my LSAT in two weeks, my chemistry lab report due Monday, and my physical geography midterm Monday night.  X_X

As if the actual time spent in the kitchen weren't academically destructive enough for me, my uncle... a serious but recreational baker, lent me a book and I couldn't put it down the other night!  I accidently pulled a genuine all-nighter without even realizing it and I read it cover to cover!  Oops!

"Le Cordon Bleu: Dessert Techniques"

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